10 Most Disturbing Horror Movie Endings
1. Funny Games

Genre nerds and highbrow film fans probably knew it was only a matter of time before this entry made its way onto any list of disturbing endings in the horror genre, even though director Michel Haneke probably wouldn’t consider the flick a conventional horror (he’s much too self-congratulatory for that).
The simple but brutally effective home invasion thriller sees a pair of well-mannered young men progress from harmless pranks to torture and murder in a matter of minutes, putting a couple and their young son through countless trials as they pick them off one-by-one. It’s all very smug, prompting legendary critic Mark Kermode to write off the flick’s meta-provocations by comparing them to Wayne’s World.
You see, the pair address the audience numerous times throughout the film’s never-ending runtime, winking and pulling faces as well as even rewinding the film’s action at one point. Still, this smarmy self-referentiality doesn’t blunt the undeniable effectiveness of the ending, wherein the pair succeed in murdering the entire family with no comeuppance, only to move onto another house and repeat the cycle on new victims.
Very meaningful, very metaphorical, very utterly hopelessly brutal. Anyone remember why this was taken seriously but A Serbian Film wasn't?