10 Most Disturbing Horror Movie Endings
2. Fallen

This one is an odd inclusion in this list, given the fact that star Denzel Washington claimed he turned down Brad Pitt’s role in Se7en due to how unrelentingly bleak the script was. We’re not really sure what made him think Fallen was any less cruel, but the gloomy late nineties supernatural thriller is an underrated horror/psychological procedural mashup, not unlike Frailty (2000).
However much like that other paranormal detective flick, Fallen packs a hell of a punch, with its last minute twist leaving viewers reeling. It shouldn’t have been a surprise for audiences, given the fact that director Gregory Hobbit’s last flick before this one was Primal Fear. The film follows Washington’s detective Hobbs as he narrates his pursuit of the body-hopping demon Azazel, responsible for a string of grisly murders. Eventually he succeeds in stranding the demon in the middle of nowhere, forcing it to inhabit his body, and offing himself, killing the demon and avenging his murdered brother in the process.
That is, until we find out Azazel can just body-surf into a random cat, an ability we were never informed of, and we realise the entire narration has been from the demon’s POV, not the now-pointlessly-deceased hero. Brutal.