10 Most Disturbing Saw Movie Traps

1. The Brazen Bull (Saw VII)

Saw trap

This trap is undoubtedly one of the most brutal in the franchise, but what makes it the most disturbing is the fact that, whereas Jigsaw's other victims have all done something to deserve their fates in Jigsaw's eyes, Joyce's only crime was being married to a guy who was lying to everyone about his experience with Jigsaw for fame.

To save his wife, Bobby has to pierce his chest with hooks and hoist himself up to the ceiling, then connect two wires. Credit where it's due, he almost makes it, but his chest muscles don't support his weight, and he has to watch as his wife is slowly and painfully roasted alive as punishment for his own crimes.

This would be disturbing if it was anyone, but the fact that the worst you can say about Joyce is that she's materialistic just makes this even worse. She was just a casualty in someone else's war.

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My name's Lewis, I'm an author (tragically) based in South Wales.