10 Most Disturbing Star Wars Characters

5. Doctor Cornelius Evazan

Star Wars Cornelius Evazan

Would you believe this guy was once a promising cosmetic surgeon? Obviously, things went off the rails at some point. And it was probably when Evazan started practicing “creative surgery” on his patients. Evanzan’s work earned him the moniker, the Mutilator of Milvayne - a nickname he more than deserved.

If his morbid surgical experiments aren’t bad enough for you, there’s also the matter of Evazan’s slaves. At some point, Evazan started transforming his victims into mindless cyborgs. He dubbed his creation the Decraniated. He planned to sell these zombified servants to the Crimson Dawn crime syndicate, and Evanzan made a bundle of money at the expense of his enslaved former patients.

Justice did finally come for Cornelius Evazan when he decided to hassle a naive farm boy on Tattoine. This particular moisture farmer was in the care of legendary Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

If you’ve seen A New Hope you know how this story ends. Evazan’s companion’s arm is severed and despite all his years as a surgeon Evazan fails to reattach it.

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com