10 Most Disturbing Star Wars Characters

6. Bib Fortuna

Star Wars Cornelius Evazan

Bib Fortuna was a male Twi’lek who served as Jabba the Hutt’s majordomo, or chief of staff. Working for Jabba the Hutt is disturbing enough for most people. Fortuna witnessed and even organized countless executions at the whims of his master. Fortuna more than likely had his chief rival for Jabba’s favor eaten by Jabba's Rancor. In fact, the skull that Luke Skywalker throws at the Rancor is that of Fortuna’s slain rival. Use that one at your next trivia night.

But, the really disturbing aspects of Fortuna’s life take place after his master dies at the hands of rebel scum.

In canon, Fortuna dies alongside Jabba at the pit of the Sarlacc. But, in Legends his story goes well beyond this untimely end. But, truthfully, Fortuna may have been better off dead.

In Legends, Fortuna returns to Jabba's Palace with the aim of taking over his former master's lucrative business. However, there are other inhabitants of the palace. Theses are the B’omarr Monks, and they had other plans for Fortuna.

The monks are of a strange religious sect that lives in the cellars of Jabba’s Palace. They capture Fortuna upon his return. And, here’s the disturbing part- The monks removed Fortuna’s brain from his skull and place it in a spider droid.

Cursed, Fortuna roams the palace, a disembodied brain trapped in a mechanical spider… *shudder*

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John is a teacher and writer living in Texas. He spends far too much time watching Star Trek. Check out more if his work at artofnarrative.com