10 Most Divisive Movies Of 2019

9. Glass

Glass Samuel L Jackson James McAvoy Bruce Willis

Glass seemed perfectly positioned to cement M. Night Shyamalan's filmmaking comeback, serving up a subversive, expectation-defying low-budget superhero movie that delivered on the promise of Split's jaw-dropping sequel hook.

And while Glass is certainly an interesting film, it was widely criticised for returning to the creative pitfalls which defined many of Shyamalan's prior failures. Worst of all, prioritising a series of baffling plot twists over convincing storytelling and believable characterisation.

The film's third act received particular criticism for the manner in which it resolved the arcs of Mr. Glass (Samuel L. Jackson), the Horde (James McAvoy), and especially David Dunn (Bruce Willis). It was certainly a bold move on Shyamalan's part, yet not remotely satisfying.

And yet, Glass has a staunch band of defenders who praised the film for precisely that - for eschewing superhero movie conventions at every turn.

The promised epic showdown never happens, the finale is seemingly intentionally underwhelming, and any prospect of a sequel is pretty much stamped out.

Some insist the film will be re-evaluated as a cult classic in the years to come, but as ever, we'll have to wait and see.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.