10 Most Drastic Character Transformations Between Movies

6. Bo Peep - Toy Story 2 & Toy Story 4

Toy Story Bo Peep

Until the release of Toy Story 4, Bo Peep (Annie Potts) was best remembered as the dainty porcelain love interest of Woody (Tom Hanks), an agency-free trophy for the male protagonist and little more. Unimportant enough was she, it seems, to be written out of the franchise off-screen at the start of Toy Story 3.

But with Toy Story 4, Pixar surprised everyone by not only bringing the character back for an affecting and mature reunion with Woody, but by giving the character a terrifically contemporary makeover.

For starters, her stereotypical pink-white garb is mostly gone, as are her bonnet and dress, in favour of some decidedly more practical trousers, while her staff is now used less for herding sheep and more for saving the day.

But Bo's transformation goes beyond the physical, for the character's personality also underwent a major transplant.

The demure, agreeable Bo of the first two films is now assertive and self-actualised, ultimately teaching Woody a new way of life while turning her prior trauma into a valuable life experience.

Given how perfunctorily Bo was disposed of in Toy Story 3, this was a canny redemption for the character, re-fashioning her as a brave and intelligent heroine standing as tall as any of her male counterparts.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.