10 Most Drastic Character Transformations Between Movies

5. Lord Voldemort - Harry Potter And The Philosopher's Stone & Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire

Harry Potter Voldemort Ralph Fiennes
Warner Bros.

Much like Thanos, Voldemort's first appearance in the Harry Potter franchise occured before the studio had actually settled on a permanent, A-list actor to play him.

As such, Voldemort's brief appearance in the very first Potter movie depicts him incredibly differently, materialising on the back of Professor Quirrell's (Ian Hart) head.

This version of Voldemort was entirely CGI, sporting a large nose complete with red eyes, while using Hart himself as a facial reference.

By the time Voldemort re-emerged in the fourth film, The Goblet of Fire, Ralph Fiennes had been cast in the role, ensuring his appearance was markedly different.

Where to begin? His jaw is flatter and less angular, his flattened nose appears as in the books, his eyes are now blue, he has fully formed ears, his voice is softer and less raspy and, uh, he looks a bit like Ralph Fiennes, obviously.

Like Thanos, it's easy to forget proto-Voldemort if you've not watched The Philosopher's Stone in quite a while, and though it's an intriguingly weird depiction of the character, there's little point arguing with the brilliance of Fiennes' fantastic work as Voldy for the rest of the series.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.