10 Most Drastic Character Transformations Between Movies

4. Cipher - The Fate Of The Furious & Fast 9

The Fast and the Furious Cipher Charlize Theron
Universal & Instagram: Charlize Theron

And now for a transformation that hasn't actually hit screens yet, but is nevertheless quite the startling change in character style from one movie to the next.

Charlize Theron played the villainous Cipher in The Fate of the Furious, a dreadlock-wearing badass who blackmailed Dom (Vin Diesel) into turning against his "family"...to save his, uh, other family.

Cipher is returning for the currently-shooting ninth film, and Theron recently took to Instagram to post a picture of her new look, which depicts the villain as sans-dreadlocks, instead sporting a fashionable short bowl cut, along with some smokier make-up.

Fingers crossed there might be some meatier material to go along with the overhauled character design, because an actress of Theron's caliber desperately needs something she can shamelessly ham her way through.

While it might not be as stark a transformation as Theron's Oscar-winning "uglying-up" for Monster or her brain-breaking appearance as Megyn Kelly in the upcoming drama Bombshell, it's nevertheless quite the change from movie to movie.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.