10 Most Eerily Disturbing Still Shots From Horror Movies

5. Bob Is Waiting - Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me (1992)

Though there might be some debate over whether David Lynch's disjointed, fractured psychological trauma festival, and TV show follow-up 'Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me' would fall into the strict genre bracket of "horror" it's self evident that the film passes muster in one particular way - it is truly horrifying. Though the endless, wordless noise of the degenerate nightclub scene, Laura Palmer's nightmares of The Black Lodge and even Chris Isaak's acting don't come close to the moment when Laura finds the dream devil himself, Bob, hiding at the foot of her bed when she returns home. One second she's stepping into her house, sunlit and smiling, the next - the living embodiment of evil is crouched at the bottom of her bed. There are plenty of theories as to who Bob really is, or represents throughout the Twin Peaks TV show and this wildly unsuccessful but quite brilliant and disturbing film prequel/sequel, but without the confines of narrative this is just a striking, indelible image. Evil, unnatural eyes staring out from over those neat, floral sheets. The contrast is a killer.
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Originally from Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, now residing in East London with my wife and cat. I'm a member of Ghost Carriage Phantoms, co-owner of Marketstall Records, Editor of #flatoutfucked fanzine, a regular contributor to various music/culture websites and the co-author of a couple of scripts, mired in the endless hell of pre-production.