10 Most Eerily Disturbing Still Shots From Horror Movies

4. Pennywise The Clown - IT (1990)

Regarded by many as the single most nightmare inducing character in the horror pantheon, Stephen King's Pennywise the Clown, as featured in the two part TV movie 'It' (1990) is the ultimate in childhood fear. Those eyes, that hair, Tim Curry's threatening growl and insistence on murdering little children. Again we get the contrast of innocence and bloodlust giving us an unforgettable image. In all honesty all images of Pennywise are utterly horrible, one as bone-chilling as the next - yet this one, before the fangs come out, before the real violence begins, is the absolute winner. Yes, he's pointing at you. He's got some balloons for you. Look at those pin black eyes. They're looking at you. Are you a fan of clowns? Thought not. Rumours of a remake of the admittedly plodding original abound but you'd have to question the wisdom of trying to recreate a lifetime best performance of the like given by Tim Curry or an attempt to duplicate images as savagely unpleasant as the one above.
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Originally from Merthyr Tydfil, South Wales, now residing in East London with my wife and cat. I'm a member of Ghost Carriage Phantoms, co-owner of Marketstall Records, Editor of #flatoutfucked fanzine, a regular contributor to various music/culture websites and the co-author of a couple of scripts, mired in the endless hell of pre-production.