10 Most Embarrassing CGI Moments In Recent Movies

8. Giant Spider - Hellboy: The Crooked Man

Megalopolis Adam Driver
Ketchup Entertainment

Now, the filmmakers behind Hellboy: The Crooked Man sure were optimistic in trying to make a worthwhile Hellboy movie while armed with only a $20 million budget. And rather than develop the Hellboy reboot with a focus on practical effects, they decided to kick the movie off with a CGI-heavy set-piece featuring some of the most eyesore-inducing VFX seen in any superhero movie basically ever.

That opening action sequence sees Hellboy (Jack Kesy) battle a giant supernatural spider onboard a moving train, but the resulting creature is so hilariously awful-looking that even ardent arachnophobes will struggle to be scared of this abomination-in-all-the-wrong-ways.

To call the CGI spider "video game-y" is a huge disservice to video games - this looks like a basic 3D model a first-year animation student might rustle up over a lazy weekend and be pretty happy with - but in the latest entry into a superhero franchise, and one intended to restart said franchise no less? It's maddening that anyone involved thought this was good enough.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.