10 Most Embarrassing Film Debuts From The Marvel Cinematic Universe Cast
2. Chris Evans - Biodiversity: Wild About Life!
If you couldn't figure it out from the title, this was an educational film that desperately tried to make ecology fun. It did not. And it isn't. But hey, at least it got Chris Evans an acting gig and launched the career of the one and true Captain America.
Decked out in all the accoutrements of the worst fashions 90s - baggy pants, backwards cap, a complete lack of irony - Evans brooded his way through this "docu-drama" while lamenting pollution and endangered species.
Also, the other kids bully him randomly for no apparent reason, which seems to go against the overall message they were aiming for. (That message, by the way, is essentially "don't be a dick to your environment".)
The movie is appropriately lame for an after school special, but most of you will probably be too lost in the 16-year-old's eyes to care.