10 Most Embarrassing Paycheck Movies For A-List Actors

3. Whoopi Goldberg - Theodore Rex

Robert Downey Jr Shaggy Dog
New Line Cinema

A movie so bad that Whoopi Goldberg went to court to get out of her contract.

Playing the role of tough cop Katie Coltrane, Goldberg was paired with an animatronic talking dinosaur detective trying to solve a series of "dino-murders" that could lead to a pending Armageddon. Apparently, Whoopi made a verbal agreement to star in the movie back in 1992 but, when she was confronted about this a year later, she denied these negotiations took place.

To make things messier, the studio already funded the project with Whoopi's $5 million commitment. With her refusing to do the film, they had no choice but to go to court. The producers either wanted their star or $30 million in damages.

Whoopi tried to counter-sue, trying to get more money than the agreed upon amount. With the limited budget, some speculate she did this in hopes the producers would change their mind about her casting. Unfortunately, the producers agreed to the $2 million raise and she was set to star in the movie.

Goldberg has shared her distaste for this movie on several occasions. She often describes the production as so messy that the production crew was "99% different from the first day of shooting." It tested so poorly with audiences, that the film was denied a theatrical release and put straight-to-video where it failed even harder.

Currently, the film holds a 0% on Rotten Tomatoes.


A freelance writer across multiple platforms. Want to talk favorite movies, maybe which MCU film is the best? Warning, my opinions are Hercules-level strong.