10 Most Epic Moments From Godzilla Vs. Kong

3. The Dream Team Unite

Godzilla vs Kong
Warner Bros.

As soon as Mechagodzilla appeared, the movie's course became obvious, as 'Zilla and Kong would need to team up to take on this new threat. Despite how predictable it was, this inevitable fight was exhilarating.

It was short, but packed with awesome moments including; Kong fixing his dislocated shoulder on a building, Mechagodzilla getting slammed through a tower, Godzilla powering Kong's axe with atomic breath and Kong finally besting the Mech Titan with some solid axe shots and a decapitation.

Letting Kong perform the final kill meant that neither titan came out weaker, as Godzilla took the titular crown and Kong got to destroy the story's real villain, leading to power all around.

This moment would have been even higher if it weren't for the human counterpart to the fight, which saw the massive mech beast bested by a human character (played by Julian Dennison) pouring some liquid over a monitor. This act somehow caused the giant mechanical titan to lose power, leading to his defeat.

Despite this terrible solution, it's hard to deny that seeing the pair tackle Mechagodzilla and thrashing him was a delight for general audiences and fans of the Toho series.


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