10 Most Epic Star Wars Lightsaber Duels

9. Luke Vs. Darth Vader (Round Zero) - Star Wars (2015)

Star Wars Phantom Menace Darth Maul
Marvel Comics

Technically speaking, when the legendary hero and villain, Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, clash sabers in the 2015 Jason Aaron Marvel Comics run of Star Wars, it's the first time that they canonically see each other. They never meet face to face in the 1977 film that kicked off the entire franchise, and Star Wars #2 takes place before The Empire Strikes Back.

What an epic first meeting.

Luke charges Vader, who easily knocks him aside. As Luke stands back up, Vader Force pulls his old lightsaber back to him. He then uses the lightsaber to terrorize the Rebels, Force throwing it into their backs and pulling it back into his hand. Luke, still barely a Jedi, proves no match for Vader.

The fight shows just how powerful with the Dark Side of the Force Vader has become. He has complete mastery over his old weapon, using it to toy with Luke and slaughter Rebels. Luke eventually reclaims it, so the two will eventually meet again.

Plus, the fight opens with one of Vader's most badass lines ever. When Luke swings his lightsaber at him, shouting, "You killed my father," Vader retorts "I've killed very many fathers. You'll have to be more specific."

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.