10 Most Epic Uses Of F*ck In Movie History
1. We're D*cks! (Team America: World Police)
The Scene: Team America: World Police is a ludicrous film, and it knows it, and embraces it.
And it doesn't get any more ludicrous than this epic speech from the film's final moments, which sees Gary Johnstone (Trey Parker) take the stage in an attempt to get the world's leaders to unite.
He then proceeds into a rather crude analogy involving d*cks, p*ssies and a**holes, interspersed with more than a few f*cks, which, against the odds, earns him a standing ovation for his efforts.
The rousing soundtrack gives every word - even the f*cks - gravitas, and this is one of those moments that you'll be quoting for the rest of your life.
America... f*ck yeah!
Humour Rating: It's played for laughs, and it succeeds, on every level. The epic, inspiring music, the serious looks on the faces of the puppets and the way that it mocks basically every single motivational speech in cinema history gives the scene both laughs, and smarts, in one. 10/10
Are there any other epic uses of f*ck that we missed? What're your favourites? Leave them down in the comments below!