10 Most Epic Uses Of F*ck In Movie History
7. Talking Cow (Shrooms)
The Scene: Shrooms isn't a very good movie; it's one of those horror films that ended up being unintentionally funny, and this scene is no exception.
While wandering the woods after drinking some rather dodgy tea, the bizarrely named Bluto (Robert Hoffman) encounters a hallucination-induced half-naked woman, who then vanishes, before running into a huge, talking cow. As you do.
The cow then proceeds to ridicule him for his drug use, before warning that he's "dead f*cked" if he continues after the girl. And he's right.
Bluto is then murdered, and if there's one thing we can take away from all this, it's that you shouldn't drink any tea that's going to get you high, then wander through the woods alone at night. Obviously.
Humour Rating: The fact that the cow sounds like Morgan Freeman and James Earl Jones had a baby is pretty special, and the creature delivers one hell of an intimidating f-bomb. The inherent ridiculousness of the scene cannot be overlooked however, so it's more weird than funny. 3.5/10