10 Most Evil Characters In The Lord Of The Rings

8. Grishnákh

The Lord of the Rings the Mouth Of Sauron
New Line Cinema

During the Two Towers, Peter Jackson gave audiences a far better look at the different breeds of orcs, even focusing in on several identifiable characters. It was a further way to bring Tolkien's world to life. The orcs weren't just a faceless horde of bad guys; there were distinguishable characters amongst them. What's more, they were shown to have their own personalities and motivations.

One of the most memorable was a lowly orc maggot named Grishnákh, who joined the Uruk-hai after the capture of Merry and Pippin. His loyalty to Saruman wavered in comparison to his rumbling guts, though. Along with a number of other orcs, he suggested the hobbits would be a tasty snack. When Éomer and his horsemen ambush the orcs, he uses it as his opportunity to try fill his belly with a little hobbit meat, only to be crushed by Treebeard.

Jackson altered the part of Grishnákh significantly in the film. He portrays him as a troublesome, hungry creature, but in the books he's far more cunning, and even has knowledge of the Ring. He joins up with Saruman's Uruk-hai to steal the hobbits and take them back to Mordor for his true master Sauron.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.