10 Most Evil Characters In The Lord Of The Rings

2. Sauron

The Lord of the Rings the Mouth Of Sauron
New Line Cinema

Although we barely saw Sauron in the trilogy, his presence and menace was felt throughout the entire film series. Without the One Ring he was unable to take his former physical form, but his influence and might was such that he was able to command countless evil beings to do his bidding.

Once he'd been as fair and beautiful as an elf, using his guile and scheming to trick many into following him. But eventually he was discovered when he crafted and put on the One Ring.

Before the War of the Last Alliance, Sauron was captured by the Númenóreans. Over time, he managed to corrupt the King, persuading him to attack the Eldar in the Undying Lands and claim the gift of immortality. Sauron's actions led to the destruction of Númenor by the Eldar, who sunk the island beneath the ocean. A small remnant were spared, however, led by Elendil and Isildur who would go on to set up the realm of Gondor.

Sauron was caught in the destruction of Númenor but his spirit made it back to Mordor. Although he was never able to take the angelic guise he once had, he was successful in destroying the most powerful kingdom of men.

It's more than likely that we'll see some approximation of this story in the new Amazon series.


Before engrossing myself in the written word, I spent several years in the TV and film industry. During this time I became proficient at picking things up, moving things and putting things down again.