10 Most Evil TV And Movie Politicians

6. Adam Sutler - V For Vendetta

Richard Nixon Black Dynamite
Warner Bros.

How evil is V For Vendetta's Adam Sutler? So evil that he has national treasure and Twitter icon Stephen Fry beaten to death and Natalie Portman's lovely locks shaved clean off.

As portrayed by one-time Alien incubator and War Doctor John Hurt, Sutler is but a figurehead for V For Vendetta's dystopian future, adapted by the Wachowski Sisters from Alan Moore's seminal graphic novel.

As a figurehead, Sutler gets less to do than most on this list - he's perhaps the most purely bureaucratic person on it - but there's no doubting that his England wouldn't be quite so nasty a place without him in it.

There's maximum pleasure in watching violent vigilante V viciously eviscerate Sutler and his government then, even if it isn't quite so smartly-done as in the book.


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.