10 Most Evil TV And Movie Politicians

5. Richard Nixon - Black Dynamite

Richard Nixon Black Dynamite
Coquette Productions

Since retiring from his Presidency, Tricky Dicky Nixon has remained shorthand in cinema for the depiction of an inherently untrustworthy politician. He's perhaps best known these days for his head-in-a-jar act in Futurama (altogether now - 'arooo'), although he is perhaps a little too incompetent there to have much effect on his world.

Less so Black Dynamite, where Nixon is revealed to have been behind the murder of the titular protagonist's brother, and spearheading a dastardly plot to shrink black men's penises via poisoned alcohol. Thankfully, Dynamite beats the snot out of Tricky Dicky, in his own White House, no less.

But (and, cheating slightly) his place on the list is for his roundabout inclusion in the low-budget slasher flick The Tripper, in which a man in a President Nixon mask stalks a drug-fuelled music festival, offing everyone and everything in his path (including PeeWee Herman!)


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.