10 Most Evils Acts In The Marvel Cinematic Universe
1. Ultron Turns Sokovia Into A Bomb

The most dangerous villains are the ones that will pursue their goals at any and all costs, giving little to no regard for anyone or anything in their path, and it is for that reason that the genocidal robot Ultron tops this list.
Known in the Marvel comic books as one of the Avengers longest standing villains, Ultron is completely merciless in his pursuit to eradicate the world of, what he sees as, its greatest threat; Mankind. In Age Of Ultron, the eponymous killing machine appeared on-screen for the first time, portrayed by James Spader, and proceeded to enact one of the most evil schemes ever seen in a comic book film.
Looking to destroy mankind once and for all, Ultron uses stolen Vibranium to turn the country of Sokovia into a floating bomb which will raise itself high into the air, before plummeting back to earth, and wiping out all life on the planet.
Thankfully, Ultron's plans are thwarted by The Avengers, but it is Ultron's complete lack of compassion for the human race which makes this plan so genuinely terrifying. While most evil minds in the Marvel Universe want to enslave mankind, Ultron is willing to simply destroy them completely, without a single thought.
Cold and uncaring, Ultron truly stands alone as one of the most terrifying characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.