10 Most Hated Storylines In MCU History

5. Zemo's Plan (Captain America: Civil War)

Loki Sylvie
Marvel Studios

Captain America: Civil War is one of the strongest, and certainly most iconic movies in the MCU’s entire back catalogue. Quite ironically however, since the story’s main villain was the typically compelling Zemo - though his involvement was one of the worst aspects of the entire thing.

The airport fight, the conflict between Tony and Steve, and the incredibly powerful ending were all stellar, however Zemo’s plan behind it all was ludicrous, entirely too convoluted, and genuinely ridiculous.

The reasoning was sound. He had seen his entire family killed in Sokovia, and while he had to sift through rubble to find them and mourn them, the Avengers simply went home. Just another day in the office with no accountability for the lives they couldn’t save. It was the details, the specific minutia of the plan that made no sense.

He found out that Bucky killed Stark’s parents, and went on a rollercoaster of a journey, with many things out of his control falling into his favour, to bring the two leaders in the Avengers together in a relationship and team-ending fight. You have to suspend your disbelief when watching almost any comic book movie, but this was ridiculous.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.