10 Most Horrible James Bond Henchman Deaths

1. Milton Krest (Licence To Kill, 1989)

It’d been a rough time for poor old Krest. Born several decades too late for the name Milton to hold much appeal to the opposite sex, Krest was reduced to the role of a puppet in business facets for the far more macho and successful criminal Franz Sanchez.

With such little power of his own, it’s no wonder Krest turned to the bottle, frequently getting what few jollies he could from peeking through cabin windows at Sanchez’s voluptuous girlfriend Lupe. When James Bond comes into his bleak life, things certainly don’t improve.

Not content with merely trashing Krest’s warehouse, 007 sees fit to frame his complicity in the failed assassination of Sanchez. The drug lord, unsurprisingly, doesn’t take kindly to this.

After Sanchez discovers mounds of planted cash in Krest’s decompression chamber, the fall guy is thrown inside while subjected to extreme levels of pressure.

When Sanchez then picks up an axe, all present are aware of what’ll happen next. As even the morbidly curious Bond is unable to turn away, Sanchez ruptures the chamber vent, and the rapid decompression inflates and pops Krest’s head, spattering the glass and money with mushy blood and brains.

Even in the most violent 007 film of all, this is a death more befitting of a Mortal Kombat fatality. Finish him!

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Chest thumping James Bond and Haruki Murakami fanatic living in China. Once had a fever dream about riding a rowboat with Davos Seaworth. He hasn't updated this section since Game of Thrones was cool, and boy does it show.