10 Most Horrible Superhero Movies Since 2000

2. Fant4stic (2015)

Ben Affleck Batman Daredevil

We're getting to the really offensive stuff now. Fantastic Four, often referred to as Fant4stic for no reason at all, only exists to deprive us of the Fantastic Four movie we all want to see: Marvel's Fantastic Four. And for our troubles, Fox didn't even have the courtesy to make it good.

The biggest credit we can give this film is that the studio were somehow able to spin a decent trailer out of its footage, which is some going considering the terrible dialogue and complete lack of character development, as well as a lazy rehashing of their origin stories, honestly makes for an unbearably dull 100 minutes.

Stand by for another terrible version in seven years, for no reason other than that Fox wants to keep the rights.


Writer, serial binge-watcher, Mother of Dragons. Completed Netflix.