10 Most Horrifically Disturbing Children's Movies Ever Made

10. Labyrinth (1986)

tumblr_lf2plx2hpx1qava8lo1_500 I'm putting Labyrinth at the very start of the list, because I do think that it deserves a mention, though it is - by far - the least disturbing movie I've opted to include. Why is Labyrinth so disturbing, then? Take your pick. If the general premise of Jim Henson cult classic isn't enough to weird you out alone, that is: David Bowie, a Goblin King, steals a young girl's baby brother for... well, it's never explained why... and she has to go to rescue him. Jennifer Connelly, who plays the young girl, has her work cut out for her: she must make her way through a gruelling maze filled with strange creatures and booby traps. Although Labyrinth is certainly aimed at children, it doesn't pander to them in the slightest. So we get weird sequences involving perverted flaming demon creatures, a truly terrifying scene set at a masked ball, and a goblin taking a leak in a pond. And you can't talk about Labyrinth without discussing the Goblin King's agenda. He clearly has a thing for Sarah. Who's fifteen.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.