10 Most Horrifically Disturbing Death Scenes In Children's Movies

2. The Death Of Bambi's Mother - Bambi

BambiMother Although I personally never saw Bambi until I was much, much older, I'm aware as to how traumatic this moment is for pretty much everybody who saw it in during their youth, and I'm including it as a tribute to them, and because I always want to make them cry. I mean, Disney knew what he was doing here, didn't he? He knew that he was going to render everybody speechless the moment that he opted to murder Bambi's mother off-screen in what is still an incredibly haunting, disturbing and ultimately sad sequence. So much so, in fact, that the unseen hunter who actually shoots Bambi's mother often makes it onto lists featuring the "greatest movie villains" - poor guy has no idea he's even hated. The really painful aspect of this scene comes in its aftermath, of course - it's the way that Bambi is left alone to fend for himself. We don't actually even get to see Bambi's mother go down, which is another reason as to why this has disturbed so many people. In a lot of cases, whatever you can imagine will probably be far worse than what we can be shown.

All-round pop culture obsessive.