10 Most Iconic Sci-Fi Movie Characters Of All Time

9. Alex Murphy - RoboCop

Terminator 2
Orion Pictures

There is rarely a fate more desolate in sci-fi than that of Alex Murphy. Torn apart by the multitudinous shotgun blasts and succumbing to his wounds, Alex finds what was left of him a part of a law enforcement experiment, at the command of Omni Consumer Products.

Alex’s story is one of identity, as he internally and physically battles to discover the truth of his sentience. With his prime directives hardwired to his brain and an inability to exact justice to his corrupt bosses under Directive 4, he questions whether he is himself. Is he locked in the shell of a crime fighting robot? Or is he merely programming, made to believe he is who he is?

After brutal fights with the villainous Boddicker and robo-tussles with the ED-209s, Alex finds the remnants of his humanity he so dearly sought after. In his final scenes, when asked his name the RoboCop triumphantly responds “Murphy”. His story becomes as much about his soul and sense of identity as it is about a cool robot shooting and stabbing its way through the crime-ridden streets of Detroit.


Film, TV and gaming enthusiast hailing from the windy realms of the West of Scotland. Lover of sci-fi and expert in expanding my backlog of video games I’ve yet to complete.