If you're going to watch Fahrenheit 9/11, it's worth looking at something that comes from an opposite standpoint. DC 9/11: Time of Crisis is a reenactment of September 11 from the point of view of President Bush and those around him and paints his reaction to events in a much more favourable light than Moore's documentary. A TV movie aired on Showtime, it's the usual gradual realisation of the horror, but the sole focus on Bush presents an interestingly different take on the day. The book reading is replayed, this time with Bush continuing after the second plane hits to avoid instilling terror in the children. What makes this worth watching, however, is what its political motivations are alleged to be. Like its left-wing counterpart, Time Of Crisis received a strong backlash. It presented Bush in an overtly positive light, with conventional puppet-master Dick Cheney positioned operating totally bellow an in-control President an attempt to counteract what was said in Fahrenheit 9/11. Moore even went as far to describe the whole thing as blatant propaganda.