10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

2. Princess Leia Sports Her Gold Bikini As Jabba's Slave - Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi

Carrie Fisher Leia

The fact that Carrie Fisher herself went on record to explain just how much she hated donning Princess Leia's now infamous gold bikini during the opening stages of Return of the Jedi is enough of a reminder why this rather inappropriate visual should have probably never made it into existence.

In fact, upon being shown the outfit for the very first time by George Lucas, the actor would even note how she thought her director was "kidding" her. And the fact he ultimately wasn't made her understandably "very nervous".

Being able to eventually be the one to kill off Jabba the Hutt did at least slightly redeem the fact she'd been forced into this highly revealing outfit early into Episode VI, with Fisher revealing "I really relished that because I hated wearing that outfit and sitting there rigid straight, and I couldn’t wait to kill him."

But even with that being the case, the icon wouldn't hesitate in advising the likes of Daisy Ridley "not to settle for simply being a sex symbol. You should fight for your outfit. Don’t be a slave like I was" in the years that followed.

All in all, Harrison Ford probably put it best in stating, "She’s a princess. What the hell is she doing walking around in a bikini?"

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