10 Most Inappropriate Moments In Star Wars

1. Peter Cushing Is Brought Back From The Dead - Rogue One: A Star Wars Story

Carrie Fisher Leia

Digitally de-ageing an actor still very much alive and kicking is one thing. But completely resurrecting a star that has very much passed on left a decent chunk of Star Wars supporters feeing rather conflicted whilst taking in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.

Despite getting permission from Peter Cushing's estate to use the late thespian's likeness when bringing the iconic presence of Grand Moff Tarkin back into the mix, by infusing CGI with Guy Henry's performance on set, the sight of an actor fans of the franchise knew to be dead conversing with living figures during the flick inevitably still resulted in many being immediately pulled out of the story; even if only for a few seconds.

The effect itself is admittedly rather impressively executed in the finished article. Yet, questions over whether bringing a deceased performer back to life was unethical still remained heading out of the compelling 2016 adventure.

And while Tarkin's unusual presence doesn't completely derail Rogue One as a whole, this heavily-CGI'd performance was still one that some deemed to be inappropriate in the aftermath, with a lot of folks wondering why the less controversial call of simply re-casting the legendary figure for his Rogue One appearances wasn't opted for instead.

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