10 Most Ingenious Special FX In Horror Movie History

7. Frank's Rebirth - Hellraiser (1987)

Evil Dead Mia
New World Pictures

If you've never seen Hellraiser (and why not?) here it is in a nutshell: The curious Frank Cotton comes into possession of a mysterious puzzle box while traveling in North Africa. When unlocked, Frank is torn limb from limb by the Cenobites, a group of well dressed sadomasochists straight from hell.

Meanwhile, his naive brother Larry and wife Julia, Frank's secret lover, move into Frank's old house and it's not long before a drop of Larry's blood has begun to resurrect him. The skinless Frank demands that Julia must bring him more blood if they are to return him to full strength (and stop him leaking on the sheets).

Frank's resurrection scene has a well earned reputation as another of the best special effects shots in modern horror. Considering that the entire movie was shot in seven weeks on a budget of $900,000 by Clive Barker, who himself admitted he didn't know the differences between different lenses and a "plate of spaghetti" while shooting the film, it's even more impressive.

The sequence was filmed using a combination of techniques: meticulous model making, reverse stop-motion animation and lots of well dressed props, all under the creative eyes of the effects genius Bob Keen, who would go on to work on another Clive Barker project, Candyman. The Bishop Of Pain himself, Pinhead, would go on to become one of the most celebrated horror icons of the twentieth century.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...