10 Most Ingenious Special FX In Horror Movie History

6. Zombies Versus Lawnmower - Braindead (1992)

Evil Dead Mia
Trimark Pictures

Little did we know that an unknown filmmaker by the name of Peter Jackson would make the jump from a modestly budgeted $3,000,000 horror flick to the multi-Oscar winning Lord Of The Rings, the first instalment of which was shot for $93,000,000. That's some leap of faith from New Line Cinema. Braindead, in no small way, helped Jackson become one of the world's most celebrated directors, so what's the appeal?

Combining soap opera elements with classic zombie movie schtick, Braindead is as funny as it is stomach churning. The plot is appropriately simple: When Lionel's mum is bitten by a Sumatran Rat Monkey while visiting the local zoo, little does he know that she will become a member of the undead, spawning a small legion of zombies, including an undead baby (the 'walk in the park' sequence is Jackson's funniest moment ever put on film), culminating in a party that pits an army of the undead against Lionel, armed only with a lawnmower.

If all this sounds utterly ridiculous, that's because it is. Special effects artists extraordinaire Richard Taylor and Bob McCarran would use gallons of fake blood for the epic battle. "Party's over!" announces Lionel, pulling on the cord to fire up the lawnmower blades like Ash with a chainsaw. Cue more severed limbs than a lightsaber training class; bodies are shredded, heads are put into blenders and zombie bikers are churned to smithereens.

Pass the bucket, please.


A lifelong aficionado of horror films and Gothic novels with literary delusions of grandeur...