10 Most Insane Confrontations Between Actors And Directors

8. Bruce Willis vs Kevin Smith

In 2007, Bruce Willis booted up the Die Hard franchise after nearly 20 years out. Kevin Smith was cast in a role as computer hacker Fredrick 'Warlock' Kaludis. The pair work together, seemed fairly chummy and the film came out to average reviews. 2010 rolls around and the acquired-tasting Smith makes a film with Willis and Tracey Morgan called Cop Out. Cop Out is made, released and slammed into mediocrity over its self indulgence, poor performances and for it general unfunny content. Smith, ever the gracious filmmaker, writes his autobiography some time after and suddenly spills beans galore on what it's like to work with Bruce Willis. He tells his Twitter faithful - of 2 million strong - who the following passage is about: "He turned out to be the unhappiest, most bitter and meanest emo-bitch I ever met at any job I've held. And mind you, I worked at Domino's." Smith also went on to say that he was the most intimidating actor he had worked with and stated that he was simply "undirectable". Willis denies any past altercations with Kevin Smith which seemingly only adds fuel to the speculation that Willis is hard work. Who won? There are two sides to every coin and with statements like "Critics can stab at Cop Out with their poison pens all they want, but it still doesn't change the fact that it's a funny flick" in reference to his own movie, it's hard to gauge on this one. The ageing movie action star who keeps quiet while standing accused? Or the arrogant director who won't shut up about how much he hates the aforementioned?
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...