10 Most Insane Confrontations Between Actors And Directors

7. Michael Bay vs Megan Fox

You could be forgiven for accusing Megan Fox of looking a gift horse in the mouth. If you have a good thing going in your working career, do not refer to your boss, who incidentally is one of the most powerful people in Hollywood, as Adolf Hitler. Certainly do not refer to your boss as Hitler if his boss is the most powerful person in Hollywood. But that's exactly what a 25 year old Megan Fox did. Whilst being interviewed by British magazine Wonderland, presumably in between being leered at by a fat bloke with a camera calling himself a photographer, Fox said the following about Michael Bay: "He's like Napoleon and he wants to create this insane infamous madman reputation. He wants to be Hitler on his sets, and he is." She went on with this to say that he is alright personally, and she liked him away from set, but the damage was already done. Considering this interview was just before the third Transformers film was due to begin production, the comments couldn't have been more badly timed. Who won? At the time of her departure and replacement by English born Rosie Huntingdon-Whitley, Fox stated that it was due to her desire to pursue other opportunities. It has since been revealed by Bay himself that producer Steven Spielberg waded in and demanded that she be fired for the comments. The phrase "you will never work in this town again" could not be more appropriate coming from these two giants of Hollywoodland. Considering her career since then, with the exception of the underrated Jennifer's Body, she has hardly set the world alight.
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Shaun does not enjoy writing about himself in the third person. The rest? I will tell you in another life, when we are both cats...