10 Most INSANE Horror Movies Of 2024
9. Trap
One of the most polarising horror films of the year, M. Night Shyamalan's Trap at least gets points for dishing up a brilliantly irresistible premise, of a serial killer (Josh Hartnett) discovering that the pop concert he's taken his daughter to is actually a trap intended to ensnare him.
For a while, watching Josh Hartnett's criminal mastermind villain slither his way out of one tense scenario after another is deliciously entertaining, in large part due to Hartnett's enthralling performance. But in typical Shyamalan fashion, the story takes several bonkers turns in the second half, piling on setting shifts, innumerable plot contrivances, and a flagrantly ridiculous ending.
In some quarters Trap was criticised for thinking itself smarter than it actually is, while others maintain that the avalanche of implausible moments are actually an intentional feat of satire on Shyamalan's part.
To some, then, Trap is basically the most unexpected genre parody of the year, while to others it's a film that asks the audience to suspend their disbelief too much. Either way, its sheer absurd commitment to the bit makes it one of 2024's most memorable horrors, for better or worse.