10 Most INSANE Horror Movies Of 2024

2. MadS

Mads 2024

Rather unassumingly released on Shudder in early 2024, MadS may seem like a familiar enough entry into the zombie subgenre, but as it proves, execution is everything.

The film revolves, at least initially, around Romain (Milton Riche), a young man whose night of partying goes awry when a bloody young woman gets in his car. From here, we follow several characters caught in the midst of a viral outbreak that turns the infected feral, but here's the rub - the film unfolds in real-time, with filmmaker David Moreau even having the mayhem transpire across a single fluid take.

Even accepting that Moreau presumably spliced several takes together, the result is an ultra-immersive depiction of a virus spreading throughout a community, where gore is less important than the physically demanding performances of the little-known cast.

MadS is one wild ride of a movie, and a technically audacious calling card for Moreau's clear talents in the genre.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.