10 Most Insane Movie Leaks Ever

5. Fury

Columbia Pictures

Let’s take you back to a time when Seth Rogen and James Franco made a terrible movie about a plan to assassinate North Korean dictator, Kim Jong Un. This angered the Supreme Leader so much that either some hackers from North Korea, or some hackers hired by North Korea, got into Sony Pictures’ emails and spread them all over the internet.

The Sony Hack of 2014 wasn’t just emails, though. Several digital copies of soon-to-be-released films were also stolen and uploaded onto file-sharing sites. The highest profile of the films leaked was the action movie and awards season hopeful, Fury, which was downloaded an estimated 1.2 million times.

Fury was a World War II movie directed by the guy who made Training Day and Suicide Squad with Brad Pitt starring as a grizzled tank commander. Fury is a case where leaking did not seem to hurt the film’s box office significantly. It was a box office success, earning back about three times its budget. However, it’s difficult to say whether all of the downloads hurt the word-of-mouth buzz it could have had if it wasn’t easily available for piracy.


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