10 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Dec 21st)

8. Stanley Kubrick's Alien Insurance

Stanley Kubrick

Stanley Kubrick was an interesting fella wasn't he? When he wasn't faking moon landings ALLEGEDLY or causing his leading actress' hair to fall out through emotional abuse in the name of method acting, the enigmatic film-maker was worrying about aliens stealing his thunder on 2001: A Space Odyssey.

Thanks to a profile on the director released by The Star in celebration of the 50th anniversary of the film, it's been revealed to a whole new generation of film fans that Kubrick was so concerned that a break-through was going to made in space exploration that he took an insurance policy out.

In 1965, the US Mariner IV probe had started to send photos of Mars' surface back to Eart and Kubrick was seemingly so convinced that they'd show something that he contacted Lloyds of London to see if he could get a policy protecting his film against Martians being discovered before its release.


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