10 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Dec 21st)

7. Netflix Has (Probably) Seen Your Nudes

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All this time we've been worrying about machines becoming sentient and rising up to destroy us in some sort of Dystopian future that we never intended to happen and it turns out it's probably just humans with access to our data that we need to be worried about.

The real villains of the current world of technology are social media giants like Facebook who sell all of your delicious information - including your actual face - to other companies in the interest of making themselves money. It's all pretty much in their terms and conditions, but who reads those? Now your soul belongs to Mark Zuckerberg and you co-signed on the contract.

The latest information on their apparent transgressions has revealed that Facebook allowed other companies - including Netflix - to read all of your private messages. So all of those raunchy messages you've sent are the reason why you're currently being recommended Fifty Shades Of Grey and He's Not That Into You, possibly.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.