10 Most Insane Things Happening In Movies & TV Right Now (Dec 21st)

5. Entourage's Aquaman Advertisement

Aquaman Jason Momoa
Warner Bros.

You can sometimes expect some good-natured cross-promotion between movie studios when one of them scores a big success at the box office or gets a load of Oscar nominations. That's far from unprecedented and it's nice to occasionally see a bit of back-slapping - particularly when you can easily detect the stench of how begrudgingly thee congratulations are being offered.

Far stranger are examples where completely unrelated companies go out of their way to advertise someone else's product, which is precisely what HBO have done for Aquaman. Under the guise of "trolling" DC and Warner Bros, the premium TV makers released their own mash-up teaser for the movie, using footage from Entourage...

In the show, Adrian Grenier’s Vince Chase is cast as Aquaman and thee film's success gives him his big break after making more than $110m in its opening three days. Now it looks like real life has copied art as Jason Momoa's version looks set to make $100m a few days after opening in the US.

It's all very clever, but it's still pretty damn strange to see Entourage predicting Aquaman's success and then giving the movie even more free advertising, all the same.


WhatCulture's former COO, veteran writer and editor.