What happened to Johnny Depp? Seriously. Once regarded as one of the best and most diverse actors in Hollywood, the last decade has positioned the former heartthrob in something of a career nose dive. Indeed, the last five movies to have been released into cinemas with Johnny Depp's name plastered across them have flopped. Five in a row, people! That's near-on unheard of! What's more, Johnny Depp has transitioned from that of an icon of cool to somebody who is - generally speaking - actually quite annoying to behold. The guy seems to harbour an irresistible desire to play quirky, cartoon-ish characters (in make-up), after all, whose entire personalities seem to hinge on eccentric mannerisms and funny hats. The last ten years or so have seen Depp playing the same variations over and over again, and - quite frankly - it's a little boring now, almost to the point of self-parody. As a result, Depp has become something of a joke - especially since he makes so many of these "offbeat hat-wearing character movies" with offbeat hat-wearing director Tim Burton. In short, Johnny Depp has pretty much lost it and things only seems to be getting worse. His performances nowadays can only really be separated into two categories: those that are "quite insufferable" and those that are "seriously insufferable." Here, then, are the actor's 10 most annoying filmic appearances to date, starting with the least (but still very) intolerable to the downright unbearable. You've been warned.
Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.