10 Most Intense Moments From The Halloween Movie Franchise

9. Michael Kills Annie Brackett (Again): Halloween II (2009)

Halloween Resurrection
Dimension Films

Few have suffered a fate so unfortunate as Halloween's Annie Brackett. Even fewer have been so unfortunate as to suffer that same fate three times. First killed by the Shape in 1978 (as portrayed by Nancy Kyes), poor Annie seemed to suffer the same fate in Rob Zombie's 2007 remake of the same time (where she was now played by Danielle Harris, the all-grown up star of Halloween 4 and 5). Except, it was revealed, Annie actually survived Michael's murderous rampage, and lived to fight another day.

That day would come in Zombie's Halloween II, which found Annie and Laurie (Scout Taylor Compton) living together in the home of Annie's father, Sheriff Brackett (Brad Dourif). Already traumatized and heavily scarred from her previous encounter with Michael, poor Annie suffers an even worse fate here. Battered and stabbed within an inch of her life, Annie dies horribly; slashed to ribbons, in complete agony and stark naked, bleeding out on the bathroom floor. Her father's grief-stricken screams will stick with viewers long after the end credits roll.

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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.