10 Most Memorable Postmen on Film & TV

8. The Postman

As with Men in Black 2, I won't even begin to try and convince you that Kevin Costner's The Postman is a good film, because that would be a patent lie, but regardless of the film's horrid content, it does feature one of the most badass postman characters ever put to film, considering that, you know, he goes about trying to deliver mail during the freaking apocalypse. As Costner's largely nameless character goes about adopting the guise of a postal employee just to get by, the establishment of a new postal service is paralleled with the setting up of a new authority, resulting in what is essentially the most bizarre civil war ever committed to film. It's General Bethlehem's postmen against Costner's postmen, and even once this is out of the way, the film makes odd pains to suggest that the postal service is a literal foundation upon which a civilisation is built, something I'm not quite sure I agree with. Nevertheless, the guy was prepared to take part in a war; do postmen get any more awesome than this?
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Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.