10 Most Messed Up Deaths In Star Wars: Original Trilogy
These Star Wars deaths from Episode IV, Episode V, and Episode VI all left a huge impact...

Death is just a part of life, and it's an element that definitely isn't shied away from in the galaxy far, far away.
Throughout the Skywalker Saga and stories told away from the main Star Wars films, everyone from beloved heroes to dastardly baddies have all shuffled off this mortal coil in a variety of ways.
Nasty pieces of work have had their faces satisfyingly melted off, much-loved legends have peacefully passed on to the other side, and then you have those more messed up deaths - those shocking ends that either leave you wincing, entirely disturbed, or just shaking your head in disbelief.
A great many of those particularly deranged or traumatising kills actually occur in the movies the majority of Star Wars fans were introduced to first, with everything from fried alive relatives to brutal torture fatalities being thrown out in George Lucas' original trilogy.
They may be generally remembered as the movies that gave the world iconic lines like "I am your father" and some of the most popular characters in film history, but the more you think about it, they were also pretty effed up pictures when they wanted to be, too.
10. Anyone Who Fell Into The Sarlacc Pit - Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

Let's be honest - pretty much everyone who ended up being swallowed by the creepy Sarlacc on Tatooine deserved the horrible end they got.
But that doesn't change the fact that said form of death was still all kinds of messed up.
You see, it wasn't simply a case of landing in the beast's mouth, being chewed up into little pieces and ultimately digested. Sure, that still wouldn't have been fun, but it sounds a lot less agonising and intense than being dropped into one of its stomachs and slowly digested due to its weak stomach acid.
Before folks start falling into the Sarlacc in Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, Jabba the Hutt even claimed that victims would "find a new definition of pain and suffering" as they were gradually broken down over 1,000 years within the creature.
Again, these various goons and guards likely got what was coming to them, but that brief look within the carnivore's belly in The Book of Boba Fett confirmed that this was certainly up there as one of the more disturbing ways to go in the Star Wars franchise.