10 Most Meta MCU Moments Ever

1. Stan Lee Is A Watcher Informant

Wanda Prof X
Marvel Studios

Prior to his 2018 death, Stan Lee was of course a staple of every single MCU movie by way of his customary wink-wink cameos.

Eventually a fan theory started doing the rounds online that Lee might actually be playing the very same character across all of his MCU appearances: Uatu the Watcher.

In the comics, Uatu was an alien tasked with observing human activity on Earth and the Solar System, so having Lee be playing this character in a series of humanoid disguises certainly made a ton of sense.

And while most fans assumed this would never be formally confirmed, in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 it was heavily implied to more-or-less be the truth.

Lee cameos as a man seen speaking to the Watchers, and can be briefly overheard discussing his time working as a FedEx delivery man, nodding towards his cameo as such in Captain America: Civil War.

Though Lee was ultimately credited as a Watcher informant rather than Uatu himself, it was still an incredible tip of the hat towards creative fans and their barmy theory, confirming Lee to have indeed been playing a single character for his entire MCU tenure.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.