10 Most Misleading Trailers Of 2015

1. "Everybody Wants To Steal Margot"

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxw4KFxPcoY The Film: Z for Zachariah What It Promised: A rugged, nerve-shredding survival thriller set in a post-apocalyptic world. What It Actually Was: If you are yet to see Craig Zobel's profound and absorbing character drama, do your utmost to seek it out. It is fantastic. The film had a limited cinema release and will be arriving on Home Entertainment platforms soon. Just remember that what you see above is not what you'll see when you insert the Blu-ray. Across the masses of trailers released in 2015, few have been quite as deceitful as this one. Expertly marketed as an apocalyptic thriller - even sporting a quote claiming the film to be "a gripping thriller" - Z For Zachariah's trailer is rendered by a deeply piercing score which puts you on the edge of your seat. It sees Chiwetel Ejiofor pointing handguns and rifles at Margot Robbie and Chris Pine. Through smart editing, it provides a tingling sense of danger, criminality, death and debauchery. To be honest, these two-and-a-half minutes do everything in their power to keep you utterly immersed and desperate to see this cloying, unsettling movie. Thing is though, it's a romance. The most threatening element is not the fact these three are the singular survivors on a desolate, decaying planet with virtually no resources and means for survival; it's actually that the two lads both quite fancy Robbie. The film is a beautifully transfixing and captivating watch, and one which many more people should have seen, but it is borderline criminal to completely change a motion picture's genre just for the sake of box-office revenue and 'audience appeal'. Which other misleading trailers from 2015 deserve to be on this list? Share your thoughts below in the comments thread.
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Film and UFC obsessive with a passion for scribbling words about them. Avid NFL fan and big Chelsea supporter too. Film Studies degree graduate from the University of Brighton.