10 Most Mismatched Enemies In Movie History

2. John Preston vs. Brandt & DuPont - Equilibrium

It's established very early on in this film that Christian Bale's Grammaton Cleric Preston is the badass to top all badasses, as he dives into a dark room and fires his guns like a Mexican pistolero, killing everyone who dared to hoard a painting or read a book (yes, he actually shoots Sean Bean in the face at point blank range for reading a book later in the film). As we see Preston's attitude begin to change over the course of the film, the point remains that he's clearly the most kick-ass Cleric out there, such that when he gets to Vice-Counsel DuPont's (Angus Macfayden) office at the end of the film, it seems like a pretty cut-and-dried mismatch. Even when Preston's former partner, Brandt (Taye Diggs) shows up to protect his boss, Preston slices his face off with a katana in the most one-sided fight of all time, before Preston takes on DuPont in a brilliantly silly Gun Kata fight. Still, it's hard to buy the threat much, given that DuPont is played by the pudgy, much slower Macfayden, while Bale is at the peak of his physical health and clearly a far more dexterous, agile specimen. That doesn't stop director Kurt Wimmer from insisting on dragging this fight out for far too long with busy editing to try and distract us from how out of breath Macfayden looks.

Frequently sleep-deprived film addict and video game obsessive who spends more time than is healthy in darkened London screening rooms. Follow his twitter on @ShaunMunroFilm or e-mail him at shaneo632 [at] gmail.com.