10 Most Nightmarish Horror Movie Monsters

7. The Pale Man - Pan's Labyrinth

Babadooks Film
Warner Bros.

Otherwise known as the del Toro guy with the eyeball hands.

Unlike most of the films on this list, Pan's Labyrinth isn't a horror film per-se. This fantasy fairytale tells of a young girl, escaping the horrors of World War II and her own abusive stepfather, drawn into the mystical fantasy world of Pan's Labyrinth. That didn't stop director Guillermo del Toro from terrifying a generation with the introduction of a creature known as the Pale Man though.

Even within a movie chock full of nightmare imagery and bizarre creatures, the Pale Man stands head and shoulders above the rest. Tall, pale and naked, this child-eating demon single-handedly (alright, maybe two) steals the show - making the most of his relatively short appearance within the movie.

Like a tall, naked Freddy Krueger (and in desperate need of a manicure), this grotesque, sinister creature is pure nightmare fuel. Where's Hellboy and the BPRD when you need them?


A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.